We have over twenty guests from around the world speaking at the conference, be prepared to be awed and inspired.
You want to give respect to and earn respect from the dinosaurs, they have been here a long time.
As a dinosaur behaviorist training raptors he is the first of his kind.
They deserve our help, not our interference
Former Park Operations Manager of Jurassic World, now leads the Dinosaur Protection Group (DPG).
Learn all about the ancient plants brought back to life.
Formerly a paleobotanist, now working with the Department of Fish and Wildlife
What all this chaos will lead to.
Chaotician extrordinaire, published author, and respected diplomat.
Are dinosaurs nurturing parents or apt to leave the young early? Come find out!
Animal behaviorist and documentarian.
How does palentology answer questions about present day dinosaurs?
Paleontologist and professor
Learn how to observe and learn from our new neighborhood dinosaurs
Animal behaviorist and trainer
Find out how to attract and repel various dinosaurs
Assists the Dinosaur Protection Group